Youth Development & Leadership Summit (YDLS) is a life-changing event that gathers young people from all around Botswana and eventually the rest of Africa. It is a platform created with a holistic approach to empower, impact, and inspire young people so they may positively contribute to the betterment of the livelihoods and to the growth of their communities. The summit brings together young people, community leaders, youth developers, policymakers, industry players, corporate and political leaders to share ideas, examine possibilities and difficulties that the youth are faced with. 

As a follow-up to the Session, the 2nd     Session of the Youth Development & Leadership Summit will bring 1500-2000 young people from across Botswana to engage, share ideas and to be equipped with new knowledge and skills by various industry experts from locally and outside Botswana.

Why This Event

Botswana presents a youthful population of more than 60 percent of its total population being under 35 years of age. Despite being majority of the population, youth in Botswana are the mostly affected by the negative challenges that the country is faced with. The potential contribution of the youth towards economic and sustainable development of the country continues to be compromised by a host of challenges including unemployment, underemployment, lack of skills and accesses to economic opportunities. The Youth Development & Leadership Summit 2022 brings the youth an opportunity to engage, network, and to empowered by line-up of well vested speakers from locally and outside Botswana.

Main Purpose

A platform created with a holistic approach to empower, impact, and inspire young people so they may positively contribute to the betterment of the livelihoods and to the growth of their communities. The specific objectives of the Summit are to:

Youth capacity building:
Provide the participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to help them improve their lives and find answers to the difficulties they face as young people and Africa as a whole.
Inspire transformative youth action:
To inspire transformative change and youth action towards building sustainable lives, businesses, economies and communities.
Build Networks: 
Offer opportunities for meaningful conversations and networking between the young people, experts and thought leaders from different backgrounds.

Details on the Past Session

The 1st Session of Youth Development & Leadership Summit was held on the 14th May 2022 at Lemepe Lodge Conference Centre in Molepolole, Botswana under the theme, Fostering youth development for a more inclusive and sustainable development of Africa.” About 250 participants from Molepolole and other parts of the Country attended the Summit. The program of the day was facilitated by 14 well vested speakers consisting of Government Minister, Policy Makers, Business Leaders, Creative Artists, Sportspersons, Commercial Farmers, as well as experts from different fields.

The program of the day was focusing on three thematic areas which presents urgent challenges and great opportunities for the young people namely; sports and talent development, entrepreneurship, as well as Agribusiness development. The program included welcome and keynotes addresses and a number of panel discussions. Each panel discussion focused on a specific thematic area and had a specific topic of discussion addressed by specific players.


This session will be held under the theme: “Breaking new ground; charting new pathways to accelerated growth and sustainability.”

The theme was inspired by the challenging times we are living in, where individual persons and businesses are forced to find new, and innovative ways to insuring unlimited growth and sustainability in their careers and businesses.

Date, Time and Venue

The Summit shall take place on the 13th August 2022 at the Limkokwing University in Gaborone, Botswana and the program of the day will start at 9am till 5pm.

Target Audience

We are anticipating attendance of 1500-2000 young people from across Botswana including young entrepreneurs, change makers, young community leaders, aspiring leaders and interested individuals.


The organizers will make financing requests to various institutions and potential backers. Selected groups must receive a financing proposal and a letter requesting sponsorship.

The Summit will be a one-day event and the program will include keynote addresses, feature presentations and panel discussions. Each panel discussion will focus on a single thematic area and a specific topic of discussion, which will be addressed by experts in that discipline. The program will focus on four thematic areas which presents the youth of Botswana with significant opportunities yet not optimally tapped into, namely:

creative arts

Expected Out Comes

We expect all participants to learn about sports, creative arts, entrepreneurship and agribusiness. We expect young people to gain new knowledge and skills that will help them to run sustainable and scalable businesses, to perfect their crafts as athletes and creative artists, as well as to be empowered to go into commercial farming and as a result contribute significantly to the economic and sustainable development of the country. The participants are also expected to connect with speakers and like-minded youth who they can learn from, and exchange ideas with beyond the summit.

Meet The Founders

The summit is organized by Peo Concepts Consultancy, a professional firm that provides customized training solutions, research development and multidisciplinary consultancy services to its client in order to help meet their personal, professional and business goals. In order to ensure the success of and planning of the event, a planning committee made up of volunteers with different expertise was formed.

Moemedi Topo Kedisitse

Founder & Summit Director

Gloria Kgosi

Content Coordinator

Kagiso Mfa

Corporate Manager

Gaone Khei

Communications Manager

Chendzimo Mora

Event Manager

Tlotso A. Ralekgobo

Finance Manager

Lady Mosime

Registration Manager

Boipelo Simon

Onsite Safety Nanger

Keorapetse Ramakhukhwane

Media Specialist


We believe that, positive and long-lasting transformations on our country depend on collaboration and synergy, hence we have individuals and companies we are working with to achieve a greater impact. We are still open to individuals, potential financiers, institutions and government organizations that are willing to help us achieve the specific objectives of the event.

Existing Partners